Automate your Workflow with Task Dependencies in Prowork

Sometimes we spend time looking at our task list and wondering what’s next. This happens even though the tasks had been sorted for priority, and there are times when we our next point of action depend on our team mates. At times like these, you’ll find task dependencies in Prowork invaluable.

Task dependencies are good way to automate your workflow by enabling an “if this then that (IFTTT)” paradigm in your projects. You can add single or multiple task dependencies to your tasks in Prowork, and you’ll be notified via email and SMS when your team members are done with those tasks.

Choose from a list of tasks to create dependencies in the task management sidebar:

or you could also draw dependency connectors via drag and drop in the interactive Gantt chart.

Now you don’t have to wonder what’s next. You’ll get prompted when it’s time to get started, use dependencies today!